
Linnea Ashley on December 21st, 2009

There is something acutely incongruous about hearing feliz navidad on loop while swerving and dipping down a pot holed road- lush greenery rising up on both sides. This Christmas is definitely green. it doesn’t feel like Christmas, music to the contrary. Although as I write it I’m unsure of what it feels like in adulthood. […]

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Linnea Ashley on December 8th, 2009

“… I think that college friends are more like family than friends; They were there when you were becoming yourself. It is like you were in a store, shopping for yourself. And they stood there, helping you try on things that fit, were too tight, too loose; They watched as you found the perfect fit […]

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Linnea Ashley on September 21st, 2009

I was struck by her furtive glances. Flashlight shining into the darkness, every towering flower and blooming bush suddenly a threat to safety and a sense of home. More than her favorite purse or credit cards, the thief that held up my friend this weekend stole her peace of mind. Watching her from my car […]

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Linnea Ashley on March 5th, 2009

the thing is, I’m aware of my place in the scheme of things. Not place so much as placement. It isn’t that I couldn’t move or change – only that in this instance if there were a mandate to assemble in some sort of order – I’d be fair to middling.   Middling in the […]

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Linnea Ashley on December 23rd, 2008

i live in an urban area. and by urban i don’t mean the media’s definition of urban as black (although that is true as well). i mean urban as in highways and mass transit and asphalt and traffic and houses and apartments on top of houses and apartments. so why is it on my way […]

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