I’ve been in a panic this last week. Trying to pull my New Zealand stuff together has proved more daunting than I expected. I’ve done visa applications before, but this one was crucial. All of a sudden I had to provide my work history, my medical history. All of a sudden my gypsy lifestyle has come to haunt me.


New Zealand has strict immigration rules…and despite my visit plans of only a single year I still had to account for time, anytime in excess of three months, in countries that are TB risks. Only those in the last five years. Easy. Right?


Let me see…in the last five years I’ve been in roughly 12 African countries, China, Sri Lanka and Guatemala. Needless to say, those countries forced me to have the required chest x-ray to prove I don’t have a TB history.


Here’s where it gets painful. Insurance-less, I had to find a doctor and have an appointment to get a referral so that I could go to an imaging center to have the x-rays done.


My loquacious nature paid off. I didn’t realize that my doctor was a travel doctor. We compared stories of countries and shared thoughts of which countries were interesting to visit. What would have been five minutes turned into 20 or 30 which in turn became a $65 discount. I like that part a lot.


All together I pulled off the application…I think. Now it is a hurry up and wait game, as I should have done this around august. Any prayers you have to speed this along are greatly appreciated.

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3 Comments on visa aren't forever

  1. AJ says:

    you gotmine, and aint that a great feeling that you talked yourself into a major discount! đŸ˜€ have fun i know you will have a blast in the other land down under. question do u have a digital camera…and if so do you have a digital camera kit?

  2. T.Marie says:

    New Zealand!?!? Oh, you'll have so much fun. And you'll be sorely missed. And don't worry, your visa will come through. One of the photographers here at the paper is from New Zealand. I'll have to ask her for tips on places for you to visit. In fact, she just came back from home. She'll have plenty to share, maybe even some pictueres I can email you. I'll keep you posted on what I find. As always, I love these little peeks into your life. Keeps me connected to you from so far away. Thank you.

  3. Fishbone says:

    Wow New Zealand…it seems that my lifetime of vicarious living will get another chapter as you add another country to your growing portfolio. As always, I'm praying for your safety (and sanity)…I've heard that the country itself is truly picturesque…so I know you'll enjoy it. Be safe, my friend, and I concur with Tiara, you'll be missed.

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