I spent today running around…after staying on the phone until almost 4am…catching up with an old friend, I only managed to get about 4 hours of sleep before I had to be up and ready for my interview. It went well. But don’t get too excited, I think I have successfully managed to get two […]
S is finally home. it has been five days but i finally got word he was actually home, with his family. i heard from him briefly when he landed in nigeria, but as big as nigeria is that is the equivilant of calling when you are in new mexcio but headed for houston. i’m so […]
i really believe i am solar powered. there is something about the sun that just gets my body in motion and willing to cooperate with all the things in my head that demand attention. yesterday was filled with rain and gray and i sat on the couch the ENTIRE day. it was a waste of […]
one of the things i adored about zed was the abundance of water. i could be almost anywhere in auckland and see the ocean. in all reality, zed is so narrow that you can be almost anywhere and be a reasonable distance from the ocean. something about seeing that green blue water sparkling, its color […]
Despite my distaste for “you’re beautiful” (although thanks to S and Liz I have a more nostalgic tolerance of it versus my original violent retching) I must admit that I like the james blunt album. Something about the different – bordering on annoying – quality of his voice…I think he uses it well. He merges […]
There is a ton of confounding to this but…I believe I work better when the sun is out. Yesterday I wasted an entire day. I don’t mean part of the day, I mean I woke up at a reasonable hour with the expectation of working and instead sat on the couch and watched bad television. […]
When I was an undergraduate there was no question…no way was I gonna go through four years of school and not walk across the stage for everyone to see. My whole family made the drive cross country to see it. Fifteen people, including three octogenarians, wedged themselves into three different vehicles to watch a bad […]
thrilled though i was that the weather in NO was so amazing upon my arrival (especially since i spent so much time in my car waiting for the key to arrive), i am not thrilled that it changed over night. last night the cold front that has been pounding oklahoma and texas has shifted itself […]
You’d think I’d be used to it…by now…so many behind me, but somehow sleeping in an unfamiliar place is always difficult for me. New “homes” homes more than hotels or hostels. I don’t know if my mind registers that the others are temporary filling stations for sleep and that is why I have less issue […]
the top muslim cleric in australia recently gave a speech that is causing outrage. he blamed “imodestly” dressed women for rape saying that it was 90% their fault and likening uncovered women to uncovered meat. needless to say that folks are emotional. on the today show it was mentioned in passing that there appears to […]
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