i know i’m a little weird (eccentric is for people with money) but i’ve never really considered myself or my opinion that drastically different from the mainstream. short of the bush elections, i’ve felt in step with joe and jill america. but my recent participation in the vagina monologues has made me think twice. selling […]
So, our goal for the Vagina Monologues was $6,000 for the local shelter and we raised $5,100! Not too shabby for our first time…thanks for all the support!
i moaned on stage. legs shaking…smirk spreading across my face. in private maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal. alone, behind closed doors. even among old friends. but my audience was speckled with new friends and professors. today was my debut in the vagina monologues. it went well. the crowd wasn’t as large as […]
the hardest part about letting go of a friendship is losing the intimacy…the special club that knows the secret passwords and handshakes…hell…that knows the secrets. saying goodbye, even for good and healthy reasons, doesn’t make that transition to stranger and bystander any easier. all of a sudden this person who still knows the heart of […]
it only struck me yesterday, as i rushed to the 24th floor with something or other of “importance” regarding my education. it actually made me stop for a second and then laugh a rueful laugh. tulane was hosting some sort of meeting titled, “caring for the uninsured”. i am uninsured. i, who spend my time […]
one of the things i found vastly different about zed was their concept of danger. one of my first nights in auckland i walked to a concert a little ways from my house. i left at around 10pm and didn’t get home until after 2am. and while i was very vigilant on my walk home […]
it took forever to get the blood out. the shaved hair and glass. for days it all stayed with me, moments from a day that was almost my own finality. you can’t get stitches wet when your head is infected. you can’t stand up long enough to pick out glass when your medicine is making […]
call it paranoia call it old age, call it whatever you want but i half expect for there to be tornadoes here tonight. i know. ridiculous. all the more so because i’ve spent a good part of my life in the fringes of tornado alley. i’m accustomed to the warning system that takes up residency […]
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