friends have been sending me invitations to facebook for about a year now. early on i had a page on friendster, and after erasing that i had one on myspace (that i maintain solely for one of my oldest friends who refuses to simply email me like a normal person). i drew my arbitrary line in the sand at facebook. even with the lure of online scrabble i have been resolute and downright stubborn.

vindication in my choice came in the form of headlines that revealed facebook profiles are NEVER erased. no matter what you do it lingers in their archives where they refuse to remove them.

i still don’t have a facebook profile but i now have the FAMU equivalent. i can only describe it as a cyber class reunion. as someone who hasn’t gone back for a high school reunion it may seem strange for me to be so excited about a college one…but then the only class ring i have is from FAMU and my fondest “youth” memories are from there too.

and so i put up a basic profile and a a few photos and began looking for long lost loves and friends and just people who touched my life in one way or another more than 10 years ago. and it’s been fun. interesting to see how some relationships can maintain their integrity even with 8 years lapsed, that change is relative, and that people grow up and do amazing things.

i’m not big on social networks but i am oh so glad i took part in this little cyber reunion.

1 Comment on anti-facebook

  1. TY says:

    This is interesting because I am thinking about using the social networks as a recruiting tool…

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