
Linnea Ashley on October 26th, 2009

Cold water is what stays on my mind. Never mind the almost five hour delay in brussles where all 14 volunteers finally managed to find each other (we aren’t that difficult to spot), or  the fact that a man being deported wailed and moaned indecipherably at the back of the plane before mysteriously quieting after […]

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Linnea Ashley on September 21st, 2009

I was struck by her furtive glances. Flashlight shining into the darkness, every towering flower and blooming bush suddenly a threat to safety and a sense of home. More than her favorite purse or credit cards, the thief that held up my friend this weekend stole her peace of mind. Watching her from my car […]

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Linnea Ashley on August 31st, 2009

No matter how small my world may feel, the people in it are huge. These looming figures that make an impact even when I least realize…and all the more when I know it is happening. And the older I get – time passing in a steady quickening stream- the more people there are to have […]

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Linnea Ashley on July 17th, 2009

the notion of home has always been less place and more people. a military brat traipsing with my family hither and yon, the word home has always conjured up the faces of my parents and sister assembled hodge podge on my parents’ bed. it never mattered where the bed was, only that we were all […]

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Linnea Ashley on July 5th, 2009

death seems to be in the air. seemingly contagious. fawcett, jackson, mcman. today mcnair. people react in a myriad of ways. a return to 1985 with folks crying and falling out over micheal. bereaved as if he were family. as if they knew him more intimately than simply his voice in song. there are tributes […]

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Linnea Ashley on July 4th, 2009

i’m not a religious person so it may seem a strange thing to struggle with…but i was brought up in a religious family. and my ideals haven’t strayed far from where they started. so grace isn’t foreign to me. i think of grace as a gift we are wish to receive and as such should […]

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Linnea Ashley on June 20th, 2009

i’m almost afraid to say the word out loud. not in any connection to me. i have friends who have been declarative – insistent that i claim an old moniker…poet. i’m more hesitant. fearful that by saying it it will blow away like ash or dandelion fluff. scattering to the wind with no way to […]

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Linnea Ashley on May 31st, 2009

this morning was overcast and gray. the breeze bordered on wind and i threw an extra layer on as i headed out the door. it is almost june and so the gloom struck me as odd. but even odder than the atypical chill was the scent of magnolias that greeted me as i strolled to […]

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Linnea Ashley on May 31st, 2009

cherry season is rough for me. it is an expensive season because i can easily eat my weight in them in a sitting or two. that is cost prohibitive. so instead, i stretch it out a few pounds at a time. today i erred on the side of caution. to much of an err as […]

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Linnea Ashley on May 28th, 2009

it is the most difficult beauty the most durably fragile thing to be done wrapped up in youth and worn like armor despite its delicate skin. and it is the hardest conviction believing the impossible against all odds that impossibles happen against all evidence that flaws can be flawless just this once. Linnea Ashley september […]

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